A Collective Voice
In support of a better Utah.
Political Action
Everything is a political decision, from how much water goes down a flushed toilet to where the school boundary lines are drawn. In both cases, the results affect the individual citizen. The right to vote is currently afforded to most Black Utahns. However, the small number does not seem to impact election results.
Issue: The lack of Blacks in policy making positions has led to Blackconcerns not being adequately addressed and minimal funding allocated in several critical areas, such as housing, employment and health resources.
Congressional Delegation: 1 Black out of 6 positions
State Senate: 0 Black out of 29 positions
State Legislature: 1 black out of 75 positions
*The Salt Lake Tribune January 5, 2015
Strategic Objectives:
Increase in the number of Black Utahns on school boards, local government,boards, statelegislature,and U.S. Congress.
Increase the number of Blacksregistered to vote and voting in all elections.
Remove any restriction on released convicted felons’right to vote.
Increase the number of Black judicialrepresentatives in Utah courts and appellate courts
Conduct strategic sessions on how to run for office.
Begin building a treasurechest for those seeking office.
Build alliances with others who support Blackissues.
Organize plans of action to get Blacks out to vote.
Build a cohort of Black Utahns eligible for Board of Regents positions